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Current frost hazards

Updated on: 03.05.2024, 17:03
Complex visual representation of the current natural hazards situation in Switzerland. The identical information is available in text form below.

Current frost hazards in Switzerland

  (2 Messages) show
  • Frost: Moderate danger, level 2

    Validity: 04.05.2024, 01:00 - 04.05.2024, 08:00
    - Possible impacts: Plants could be damaged by frost
    - Recommendations for action: Cover plants with a protective layer, or place pot plants that are particularly susceptible to frost damage against a house wall or indoors.
    - Lowest temperatures near ground: 0 to -4 degrees (moderate ground frost)
  • Frost: Moderate danger, level 2

    Validity: 04.05.2024, 01:00 - 04.05.2024, 08:00
    - Possible impacts: Plants could be damaged by frost
    - Recommendations for action: Cover plants with a protective layer, or place pot plants that are particularly susceptible to frost damage against a house wall or indoors. Protect building sites and any construction materials on the site against frost damage
    - Lowest temperatures near ground: 0 to -4 degrees (moderate ground frost)