The Federal Authorities issue warnings on natural hazards for the public and cantonal and/or community authorities. The federal agencies with...
In the event of severe weather, the relevant cantonal and/or community authorities are responsible for communicating definitive instructions to the...
The relevant government agencies are constantly monitoring the situation with regard to natural hazards, and are responsible for issuing warnings...
For press enquiries, please contact the press office of the relevant agency.
Do you have any questions regarding the Swiss government’s natural hazards portal? Please fill out the contact form and we will get back to you as...
Support the federal agencies with responsibility for natural hazards in warning the population about potential natural hazards.
Although every care has been taken by the Federal Authorities to ensure the accuracy of the information published, no warranty can be given in...
The federal agencies with responsibility for natural hazards are responsible for the content of the Natural Hazards Portal. The Natural Hazards...
The Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, Operation Center 1, P.O. Box, 8058 Zurich Airport (, +41 58...
The Swiss Federal Government’s Natural Hazards Portal conforms to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) for accessible Internet...